In the fleeting spark that ignites the time we call “now,”
we encounter our most brilliant and beautiful moments,
realizing that the things that shone so brightly never ignited on their own.
Hoping to share a night unshadowed,
Track List
1. Let Me Show You
1. Let Me Show You
"Have you ever seen the side of someone who seemed on the verge of
collapsing under it all, or the heart glimmering like a dream?"
A song for the unnoticed, overlooked parts of us.
2. Fire
Take a moment to breathe; then we’ll burn as if ready to burst.
I don’t want to crumble and disappear in a fleeting shimmer.
Instead, let us blaze long, relentlessly bright—
within the scorching waves, I’ll trace the shape of flames for you.
So in the end, we can smile together, fully aglow.
Let’s burn through this night and dance.
3. Compass
Time slips past without waiting, and none of us can truly know or hold it.
Yet it felt like you somehow knew everything...!
On that same night, what did we each see?
I’ll keep shining on you until all the long, long shadows are scattered.
Nothing could be neatly tied up, but it’ll be alright, it’ll be alright.
5. Wind
How lucky it is that to survive isn’t something I can do by will alone,
but to send out our days together into a sky darkened by waves of fear.
How did you manage to light up my fleeting nature so completely?
Though I didn’t know everything, I entrusted you with my worries.
Relying on the hope that what we’ve grown out of our flaws is truly love,
I’ll set another day afloat.