- Flashpack - You hold a piece of paper at your fingertips, and nothing else. Touch a flame to the paper, and amid the blaze, a fresh pack of cards appears.
- Tour De Cartes - A phenomenal deck switch that can be done surrounded, sitting or standing, with or without a jacket, while spectators are burning your hands (as a matter of facts, you draw attention to the cards, right at the moment you switch them), all done under the guise of a very minor effect. Not well suited for gambling routines, but other than that, excellent, practical and near invisible switch.
- Budge - A pseudo hypnosis routine where an audience member seemingly loses the ability to remove the deck from the card case
- Back Stabber - Eric's version of the blindfolded card stab.
- Super Simple Walking Any Card at Any Number - This is simple to perform, but will take dedication to make it work.
- Peek A Boo - A quick peek for glimpsed cards
- Shufflesque - Eric's Full Deck, In-the-hands, False Riffle Shuffle - Originally published in Ah-Ha! by David Harkey. This is absolutely brilliant for strolling magicians, or anybody who would like to keep a stack, but doesn't normally have a table handy. Completely disarming!
The booklet is 25 full size, single sided pages, side stapled.